Friday, January 22, 2010


Hello, my name is John. Feel free to comment on anything on my blog. I am in second period mr. Lunn's class british literature. I am new to blogging so i haven't gotten used to all of it yet. Currently I am a junior at Anderson High School, Cincinnati OH. This blog is dedicated to Stan O'neill. I will be blogging mostly about things i read in english, so feel free to comment or put in what you think about it.

Good Bye


  1. stan is pretty cool i would probably dedicate mine to him to

  2. It looks like your countdown is broken again.. Haha still mine isn't working either.

  3. Your blog is really nice. I can't wait to share our opinions on brit lit together!

  4. Sorry I didn't answer you, but it looks like you figured out how to get the picture behind your fish! Haha and I think I'm going to just get rid of my countdown
